
needed a product plan and developer power
partnered with tretton37 to bring their product to the market
successfully launched two apps to the app store

Launching in the App Store and Paving the way to Monetisation


Chroma Studios is an audio entertainment startup focused on developing different products and experiences that are at the intersection of sound, art, and play. They faced challenges in prioritising their product development, and defining their long-term market goals. They also wanted to improve how they did product research to better execute their product vision, but struggled without a development team that could help them grow and scale their ideas. As a result, Chroma Studios sought our expertise to help them overcome these challenges.


tretton37 jumped in and provided hands-on experience in developing mobile products for startups, which helped Chroma Studios to bring their soundplay apps to the iOS App Store. We also helped to prioritise the product backlog by conducting market analysis and user research to determine the feasibility and marketability of the ideas and potential features. We also provided guidance on the development process and helped Chroma to form a development team that could execute their product vision effectively going forward.


With the partnership of tretton37, Chroma Studios was able to release two successful apps in the App Store and refine their ways of working to properly prioritise their product backlog, bringing them closer to monetizing the apps. When we venture back to the starting point of where Chroma was, and where they are today many things have evolved, and two iOS apps have been released with great impact on the music and storytelling scene.

Patrik Nymehav
Key Account Manager

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