Environmental policy

Environmental  policy

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Purpose Statement

We use the power of knowledge to grow and shape individuals, companies, communities, and ultimately the world.

Environmental Policy

At tretton37 AB we strive to contribute to sustainable societal development and a better environment. As an IT consulting company, we offer services with minimal environmental impact. We use a modern IT infrastructure that reduces energy and resource consumption. 

Customers and other stakeholders can expect us to:

  • Educate and motivate our employees to perform their tasks in an environmentally responsible manner
  • Encourage the development of environmentally friendly technologies
  • Encourage our suppliers and partners to adopt the same environmental principles we aim to adhere to 
  • As far as possible, purchase products and services from suppliers with implemented environmental policies
  • Assess the environmental impact of any new significant processes we wish to introduce in advance
  • Aim to reduce our CO2 emissions, e.g.:
    Promote virtual meetings whenever possible
    Minimise waste by reusing or recycling as much as possible
    Minimise paper printing
    Lease computers and printers

Every employee strives to:

  • Comply with all applicable binding environmental legislation and regulations, as well as codes of practice 
  • Contribute to the continual improvement of our environmental management system by working to meet environmental objectives and achieve sustainable operations
  • Live and breathe our core values – Go Beyond, Be Genuine, Challenge Now, Embrace Difference, Enjoy the Ride
Deniz Yildirim