Kristoffer Lind


I’ve been curious about technology since childhood and I’ve always enjoyed solving problems and building stuff. Software development is a seemingly endless stream of problems to solve and building stuff out of nothing. Upon discovering this I was hooked.

Development ended up being a hobby for a few years as I served as a systems technician in the military and proceeded to work with crafting things in stone, until I finally decided to take up school again and started doing development professionally.

So far I’ve learned a few languages and database options, and moving forward I’d like to expand my knowledge of c#, js and document databases. I also think learning new technologies and languages gives new ideas that can be applied elsewhere. Broader exploration will therefore both satisfy my curiosity and expand my knowledge.

I spend my spare time with my family and we try to go snowboarding, mountainbiking or inline skating together as often as possible.​

Kristoffer Lind



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