Back in the old days when computer time was dictated by bad weather, and games came on twelve of those save icons (floppy discs), my uncle had an extremely run-down computer. There was really nothing special about this computer - it had all the same games that our computer had - however, this beast of a machine had Visual Studio 97.
I remember the words used to describe this program to me; “you can make anything you want, but it’s too hard for you to use”. Curious little me, fascinated by the button my uncle had magically drawn on the screen, imagined all the things I could create. Surely it couldn’t be too hard if my uncle could make a button materialise with such ease?
So - fast forward to modern day - where computers are integrated into every single thing in our society, and we are able to create vast, living, breathing universes, born out of the minds of a few hundred people. How could I not be excited about being a part of all of this? This, right here, is where I want to be.
Outside of the space between the keyboard and chair, I love being in the gym. I’m constantly pushing my limits with the bar, putting down some miles on the old running shoes, or out somewhere looking for treasure.
I love ferris wheels, I hate high heights.