Mikael Brassman

Mikael Brassman


A fair description people might give me is that I’m a dabbler in everything. In a short amount of time, I’ve worked in many places and grown accustomed to numerous roles. My creative hands have touched Windows, content management, e-commerce, responsive webs, mobile apps, data integration, and enterprise solutions.

Even with such a broad background, there is nothing else that pleases me more than creating and implementing thoughtful user interfaces. As a consumer and a proponent of the web, I like it served on any device, such as my phone and just as well as on the personal computer. For clients, I want to deliver a great, and as friction-free user experience as possible.

With an academic background from Lund, consisting of a couple of titles in my bag, I’m still eager to learn and to share my knowledge and experience to the curious who are open to suggestions.

As a Jack-of-all-trades, I dabble in many things besides programming and have an outrageously high Stack Overflow score. In my free time, I occasionally draw illustrations and designs, juggle balls, play computer games, and spend time with my lovely wife.


Mikael Brassman



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