I've always been looking for new ways to express ideas and utilise my creativity. I started out as a designer 12 years ago, and did some tampering with Wordpress themes but I wasn't satisfied with getting ALMOST what I wanted, so I started to learn PHP and JS in order to dig deeper into the code. A few years later, I could pretty much declare myself a LAMP-fullstack developer and I have never looked back. Of course, nowadays my tech stack looks a bit different, but the drive to not settle for less than what I want, is still what pushes me.
Today I'm sort of a hybrid of frontend developer and designer, who fights the battles for the end user. One might say: UX-orientated developer.
I love trying out new technology, frameworks, methods and tools. Continuous learning is essential to me, but also passing on knowledge to others. One of my virtues is "Be a good node in your network".
For me, programming is more than just a means to an end, because;
1. It's probably the closest thing to magic there is.
2. It teaches you how to think (at least structured problem solving).
3. It can be used as model to observe (and hack) the world.
When I'm off the keyboard, I mostly spend time with my awesome family, experimenting in the kitchen with new dishes/breads or tend to my tomato and chili plants.