Filip Johansson


As far as I can remember I've always been interested in creating things and learning how things work. As a kid I often disassembled my toys to find out what was inside of them or to extract the electronics thinking that one day I could build my own "Sir Killalot"-robot (Robot Wars!).​​ As I grew older I started to get more and more interested in computers and together with my passion for innovation and learning how things work it became very obvious to me that I should work with software development.

As a developer I really enjoy working together with other people in a creative process seeing how an idea evolves into a working product and learning new things down the road. ​I really like working full stack-ish but I would like to improve my skills in frontend and js-development.​ What I find appealing with frontend development is the instant visual feedback of your changes.

Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my girlfriend and our cat (The interesting thing is that we are spending time with our cat but somehow it feels like she doesn't spend time with us. Cats!..). When I have some spare time I also like coding on my own projects or tinkering with my drones. Yes, I'm a drone maniac! I design them, build them and crash them, rinse and repeat.​ It's literally blood, sweat and tears and I love it.

Filip Johansson



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