Eva Sever

By education I am a diplomat turned economist. I went from studying human rights to marketing and corporate finance. During my studies I became passionate about the idea of an ideal company, where people are productive, innovative and happy.

At work I connected with many inspiring entrepreneurs, fundraising for their startups. I am proud of my support to try and help them navigate the world of venture capital. Startups gave me a rare insight into different industries from esports to digital marketing and I learned how new disruptive ideas fit into the corporate world.

My experience shaped me into a hardworking and curious professional. I am good at connecting people where I often end up writing an “intro” to try and facilitate cooperation.

I love being in the loop with everything and this is why I’m pulled towards content and crowds. Be it the news, networking events or live music concerts. I also watch an abnormal amount of movies and series, but rarely remember their titles. I am easily influenced by my friends, so when they want to hike, I go hike. As long as we are hanging out, I am in!


Eva Sever


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