Ellen Lundquist

Ellen Lundquist


Though I have an incredibly Swedish name, I actually hail from the USA. I moved to Stockholm almost two years ago, and once I had my first Swedish cardamom bun, I knew I would never leave.

I stumbled into product management after spending several years in the world of project management. I got a bit sick of delivering projects that didn’t actually provide any value other than the fact that they checked the ‘done box’. I was handed the book Inspired by Marty Cagan (who a lot of you know about, which is super cool), and I have been practicing, dissecting, succeeding, and failing my way through the Empowered Product Team model ever since.

Some random facts:I am happiest when I get to be around animals (except big spiders, I am still learning how to love big spiders).I like to read and always read three books at a time. I don’t know why…I used to be a serious track and field athlete and was 6th in the US for the triple jump. These days you will find me in the Pilates studio or on a hiking trail for my exercise.I am trying to learn how to downhill ski, I am pretty bad at it, but I think it is very fun.I studied anthropology and am fascinated by the intersection of humans, psychology, and tech.


Ellen Lundquist


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